On Tue, 7 Aug 2012 10:44:43 +0800
"Zoom.Quiet" <zoom.qu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i coding everything in Leo, so that is very odd things for me:
> - under MAC Lion 10.7.4 + Leo 4.10 final, build 5020 + Python 2.7.1,
> qt version 4.8.0
> - i dont know how did i input the 'bs' ~ BACKSPACE into Leo

I ran the script shown in the attached screen shot to force a chr(8)
into the text, and it shows up as a small symbol that looks like a
degree sign, but that probably depends on the font.

Cheers -Terry

> - BUT leo display as normal!
> - SO when i testing, the web app. always POST into error URI
>   like: http://localhost:8080/%08up/....
> - of course, my web server can not hold this URI
> - SO when i copy code into Sublime Text 2 ...
>   - as snap, display there had odd code!!!!
> U+0008 BACKSPACE* �C Codepoints
>       http://codepoints.net/U+0008
> SO! i means, how to make Leo can display all things with user input?
> --
> 人生苦短, Pythonic! 冗余不做,日子甭过!备份不做,十恶不赦!
> 俺: http://about.me/zoom.quiet
> 文字协议: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/cn/

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<<attachment: screen.png>>

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