My sincere apologies to you Edward, and everyone who relies on the python
package index versions of Leo.

I just made a colossal mistake and removed the entire Leo package instead
of just the problematic release I've been troubleshooting.*  I've opened a
support ticket for getting it back, but given the "are you sure you want to
do this? It's not reversible." warning I reflexively slapped away I'm not

(* `pip install leo` kept insisting only development versions were
available and wouldn't use 4.11-final.)

I have a believe-fixed 4.11-final package ready to upload pending the
answer from Support, so getting the latest release back up won't be that
much work even if I have to register it as a new project. What's lost is
the history - download statistics and old stable releases going back a
number of years. This is not terrible, as Sourceforge is the primary
release channel and all that is fine, but it's still significant blunder
and I feel terrible.

Once again: sorry Edward!


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