On Friday, January 10, 2014 6:01:19 AM UTC-6, Edward K. Ream wrote:

> For the last week the standing joke has been that the work will take 
about another two hours :-)

There are two remaining items on the list:

1. Moving comments into organizer nodes.

I've already discussed this, it's not crucial, and it's easy to do.

2. Munging headlines when *writing* @auto files.

This is surprisingly important, especially when converting existing @file 
trees to @auto trees, as I have learned from experience ;-)

The problem is that the unls in @organizer: and @clones nodes depend on the 
headlines of the nodes *in the outline*.  The unls will break if the 
headlines produced by *the importer* don't match those unls.  There are two 
cases to consider:

A.  Section references.  At present, Leo will abort the writing of an @auto 
tree that contains section references.  Instead, Leo could write the 
expansion of the section reference.  In practice, changing section 
definition nodes to ordinary nodes by hand isn't a big deal, but it would 
be nice for Leo to do that for the user.

B. Headlines for classes, methods and functions.

This is the important case.  Most of my headlines look like x.y (z), where 
x is some kind of indication of the class and y is the actual class, method 
or function name and z is a optional comment.  When converting from @file 
to @auto *all* of the organizers will break unless the headline becomes 
just "y".

Probably the best solution is to ask the importer what name it will give to 
the node.  Yes, this involves parsing the contents of the node. It will 
likely require a new interface method of the baseScannerClass.


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