On Sat, 22 Mar 2014 14:53:46 -0700 (PDT)
SegundoBob <segundo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've finally discovered a test that for me causes a Gtk-CRITICAL
> error consistently.

Doesn't do so for me in Ubuntu 14.04.  But I've seen Gtk-CRITICAL
errors before, makes me wonder if the problems in the Ubuntu
Qt <-> Gtk level, i.e. a particular uncommon but correct action in Leo
PyQt was firing the error before, but isn't now, because Ubuntu fixed
something in their PyQt, or in the way the window manager triggers GTk
actions, or some "below Leo" level thing.

I guess this makes sense up to the point where you say "I still see
them in 14.04".

... hmm, I guess I can try Unity instead of Xfce, but that would only
confirm my "below Leo" level theory.

Cheers -Terry

> I use my demo file for my "delete all children" function:  
> delAllChildren.leo  (attached).
> Edit delAllChildren.leo with only plugin mod_scripting.py enabled.
> Select node "@button dac" and hit Ctrl-B to execute the
> delete-all-children.  No Gtk-CRITICAL errors occur.  Now click the
> "dac" button.  This causes Gtk-CRITICAL errors to occur:
> $ leomy delAllChildren.leo
> ** isPython3: False
> Leo 4.11 final, build 042b3a51ba03 (branch: master), 2014-03-19
> 13:56:51 Python 2.7.5, qt version 4.8.4
> linux2
> setting leoID from os.getenv('USER'): 'bob06'
> load dir: /home/ldi/git/leo-editor/leo/core
> global config dir: /home/ldi/git/leo-editor/leo/config
> home dir: /home/bob06
> reading settings
> in /home/ldi/git/leo-editor/leo/config/leoSettings.leo reading
> settings in /home/bob06/.leo/myLeoSettings.leo Found /help
> Abbreviations off
> reading settings in /home/ldi/git/leo_misc/delAllChildren.leo
> Abbreviations off
> (python:2660): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction:
> assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
> (python:2660): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction:
> assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
> ------
> For me, whenever I click the "dac" button, I get the two errors
> above; and whenever I execute the same code with Ctrl-B, I don't get
> the errors.  With all plugins disabled, there is no "dac" button and
> hence no errors.

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