At present, I am far from loving using vim mode.  I use it because I must: 
it's the only way to shake down subtle bugs and to get the true feel for 
the code.

I thought that using vim (for real) for a week or so might make me more 
comfortable with it.  Not yet.

True, some aspects of vim are becoming a little less unbearable, but I 
still feel like I am carrying extra weight when using vim mode.  The 
constant struggle to remember what mode I am in is unpleasant.  Worse, this 
struggle carries over to non-modal editors such as the one I use to create 
this post.  Every once in awhile I start to wonder whether what mode I am 
in!  It stops me momentarily, and saps my energy.  It totally sucks.

One last hope appeared yesterday.  I call it vim trainer mode.

The idea appeared to me as follows.  As I was thinking about my 
difficulties migrating to the vim way, I saw that I was using Leo's arrow 
keys and the mouse to move around the body pane and to select text.  This 
pulls my hand from the keyboard, and makes it even less likely to use the 
vim-like ways:  h, j, k, l, and other more complex cursor movement and 
selection commands.

So the Aha is this:  @bool vim_trainer = True (or 
:toggle-vim-training-mode) will enter vim trainer mode.  In this mode, Leo 
will prevent mouse clicks from moving the cursor. (For sanity, mouse clicks 
will still select various widgets).  vim-training mode will also disable 
the operation of all arrow keys, with the possible exception of Alt-arrow 
keys: maybe gt will move focus to the tree.

In short, vim-trainer mode will force me to use vim-mode like experienced 
vim users do.  This is the last best hope for me ;-)


P.S. Vim-trainer mode will be dead easy to do.

P.P.S. Vim-trainer mode is clever because it is the opposite approach to 
what one might expect.  Imo, vim itself would benefit from this mode ;-)


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