On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Edward K. Ream <edream...@gmail.com> wrote:

> vim-training mode will disable the operation of all arrow keys, [except] 
> Alt-arrow keys

Recent revs implement vim-trainer.  OMG, vim-trainer is *intense*.
Here are some notes:

1. vim-trainer *instantly* changed how I use vim mode.  jj becomes
necessary, and pretty much second nature.

2. I have not found a way to disable mouse clicks in the body pane.
One would think it would be possible in
LeoQTBaseTextWidget.mouseReleaseEvent, which does receive all mouse
clicks in the body.

But maybe disabling clicks is a bad idea.  Lol.  The workaround is
just to move the mouse far away, which seems good enough.

3. I had no idea I was using the arrow keys so much.  Ditto for Home,
End, Ctrl-P, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X and a few others. At present, vim-trainer
mode does not disable these keys. It would be easy to do, but I'm
stressed enough as it is :-)

4. Without these cursor motion keys, the corresponding vim commands
become absolutely essential. This has revealed problems:

-  $ sucks. This is one of the most difficult keys to type.

- 0 and ^ seem backwards: typing 0 is much easier than typing ^, so I
would prefer that 0 be the smart-home key.  Maybe I've gotten these
commands backwards...

- You could say that backspace and esc are on the keyboard, but I find
them both difficult to type.  That's why jj is useful.

- Del is worse: on my keyboard it is farther than any arrow key...

I'll investigate whether there are easy alternatives to backspace and
del. Hmm. One way is visual mode:  v{motion keys}d.

===== Summary

vim-trainer is a big success: it *instantly* changed how I use vim mode.

vim-trainer still allows Home, End, Ctrl-P, Ctrl-V, and Ctrl-X. For
now, disabling them would cause my head to explode. These keys will be
disabled when vim-mode has good alternatives.

I'll play the vim adventures game to discover which vim commands
should be added sooner rather than later.  Having said that, I would
rate the odds of me converting to vim at less than 50%.  Otoh, I am
pretty sure that committed vim users are going to fee comfortable with
Leo's vim-mode.


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