On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:46:10 PM UTC-5, Edward K. Ream wrote:

> The PQSH class now controls Leo's syntax-coloring code *exactly* as QSH 
> No coloring actually happens yet, but...it may happen this evening.
> BTW, the code keeps getting simpler.  It's almost embarrassing how little 
QSH actually does.

Omg: Everything appears to work with these two dirt simple methods::

    def setFormat(self,start,count,format):
        '''Remember the requested formatting.'''
        if start >= 0:
            r = QtGui.QTextLayout.FormatRange()
            r.start,r.length,r.format = start,count,format

    def applyFormatChanges(self):
        '''Apply self.formats to self._currentBlock.layout().'''
        if self.formats:
            layout = self._currentBlock.layout() # A QTextLayout.
            self.formats = []
            cb = self._currentBlock

The contrast between the original C++ code and the code above is striking.  
All the blah, blah, blah is gone! 

To be fair, the original applyFormatChanges code messes with some fancy 
additional layout features that I have completely ignored ;-)  Only time 
will tell if more complications are needed, but I suspect not.

Clearly, the code above adds no significant extra time to syntax coloring.  
If you doubt this, consider all the work the Leo colorizer does before 
calling setFormat!

We now appear to have a complete replacement for QSH, written entirely in 
Python, and functionally just as fast as the original.  Hurray!

The next step: PQSH.reformatBlocks will queue up smallish chunks for 
coloring at idle time.  This should allow Leo to respond to user events 
with no noticeable delay.


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