Not sure about the reboot part, that hasn't happened to me. I'm guessing
there was an in-use file that prompted the reboot, (Have you installed a
program graphically and had the installer prompt similar to *"Please close
program X to continue. [Ignore] (replace after reboot), [Retry], [Cancel]"*
?) perhaps this:

"Write-Error : easy.install did not finish successfully. Boo to the
chocolatey gods!"

As for hosing your Python27, it looks like Choco doesn't check to see
what's there already and will happily install 64bit Python over an existing
32bit. I wouldn't be surprised if this is repeated with other programs. It
seems to keep it's own separate list of installed programs under

The log also says PyQt4 was already installed; maybe the posted log wasn't
the first run?

Chocolatey (v0.9.8.27) is installing 'pyqt4' and dependencies. By
installing you accept the license for 'pyqt4' and each
 dependency you are installing.
'pyqt4' already installed.

This next part is my bad for not describing, and broken anyway:

C:\Windows\System32>move C:\Python27 D:\Python27
The device is not ready.

It moves to another location, a usb drive for instance, and then runs from
there. (It's a test to see if the "portable" part really works). Here's a
fixed version, change "X:" to whatever your non-system test drive is:

xcopy /s/i C:\Python27 X:\Python27
move C:\Python27 xx-orig_Python27
pushd X:\Python27
python -c "import leo.core.runLeo;"


On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Edward K. Ream <> wrote:

> On Sunday, October 12, 2014 3:10:25 AM UTC-5, Matt Wilkie wrote:
>> I just tested this new Chocolatey recipe. It works on my Win7 laptop, but
>> since it's had many versions of python and related installed it can't be
>> considered a clean test.
>> From a user profile with admin privileges open a command shell and
>> (careful of linewrap) run the below. It:
>>  - downloads and installs Chocolately
>>  - choco installs commandline nuget, x64 python & pyqt4, pip
>>  - pip installs Leo from github
>>  - runs Leo
>> The resulting C:\Python27 tree can be copied elsewhere and Leo (and any
>> of python) run from there (see last line).
>> This is all good news. The bad news? The folder is ~235mb.
>> @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted ^
>>    -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('
>> SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin
>> cinst nuget.commandline
>> cinst pyqt4
>> cinst pip
>> pushd C:\Python27\
>> .\Scripts\pip install
>> leo-editor/archive/
>> popd
>> move C:\Python27 D:\Python27
>> pushd D:\Python27
>> pythonw -c "import leo.core.runLeo;"
>> ------
>> Leo Log Window
>> Leo 4.11 final, build 20141011154346, Sat Oct 11 15:43:46 CDT 2014
>> Not running running from a cloned git repo
>> Python 2.7.2, PyQt version 4.8.5
>> Windows 7 AMD64 (build 6.1.7601) SP1
>> leoID=maphew (in C:\Users\Matt\Dropbox\.leo)
>> load dir: D:\Python27\lib\site-packages\leo\core
>> global config dir: D:\Python27\lib\site-packages\leo\config
>> home dir: C:\Users\Matt\Dropbox
>> reading settings in D:\Python27\lib\site-packages\
>> leo\config\leoSettings.leo
>> reading settings in C:\Users\Matt\Dropbox\.leo\myLeoSettings.leo
>> reading settings in C:\Users\Matt\Dropbox\.leo\workbook.leo
>> reading: C:\Users\Matt\Dropbox\.leo\workbook.leo
>> ------
> Hmmmmm.  Somehow choco rebooted me.  And hosed Python27.
> Rerunning the entire script give me this:
> Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
> Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> C:\Windows\system32>@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted ^
> More?    -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('
> Downloading to
> C:\Users\EDREAM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocInst
> all\
> Download 7Zip commandline tool
> Downloading to
> C:\Users\EDREAM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocInstall\7za.exe
> Extracting
> C:\Users\EDREAM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocInstall\
> to C:\Users\EDREAM~1\AppData\Local
> \Temp\chocolatey\chocInstall...
> 7-Zip (A) 9.20  Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov  2010-11-18
> Processing archive:
> C:\Users\EDREAM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocInstall\
> Extracting  _rels\.rels
> Extracting  chocolatey.nuspec
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateysetup.psm1
> Extracting  tools\init.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.cmd
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.config
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\LICENSE.txt
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\NuGet.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\NuGet.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Append-Log.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Cygwin.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Help.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Install.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-InstallAll.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-InstallExtension.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-InstallIfMissing.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-List.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-NuGet.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Pack.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-PackagesConfig.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Push.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Python.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-RubyGem.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Sources.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Uninstall.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Update.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-Version.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-WebPI.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Chocolatey-WindowsFeatures.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Create-InstallLogIfNotExists.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Delete-ExistingErrorLog.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Generate-BinFile.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-ChocolateyBins.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-ConfigValue.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-GlobalConfigValue.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-LatestPackageVersion.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-LongPackageVersion.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-PackageFoldersForPackage.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-PackageFolderVersions.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-SourceArguments.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-Sources.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-UserConfigValue.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Get-VersionsForComparison.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Move-BadInstall.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Remove-BinFile.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Remove-LastInstallLog.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Run-ChocolateyProcess.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Run-ChocolateyPS1.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Run-NuGet.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\functions\Write-UserConfig.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-BinRoot.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-CheckSumValid.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-ChocolateyUnzip.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-ChocolateyWebFile.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-EnvironmentVariable.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-EnvironmentVariableNames.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-FtpFile.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-ProcessorBits.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-UACEnabled.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-VirusCheckValid.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-WebFile.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Get-WebHeaders.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyPackage.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyPath.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Install-ChocolateyZipPackage.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Set-EnvironmentVariable.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Test-ProcessAdminRights.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\UnInstall-ChocolateyZipPackage.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Update-SessionEnvironment.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Write-ChocolateyFailure.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Write-ChocolateySuccess.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Write-Debug.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Write-Error.ps1
> Extracting
> tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Write-FileUpdateLog.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\helpers\functions\Write-Host.ps1
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\choco.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\choco.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\chocolatey.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\chocolatey.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cinst.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cinst.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\clist.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\clist.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cpack.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cpack.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cpush.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cpush.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cuninst.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cuninst.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cup.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cup.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cver.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\cver.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\redirects\RefreshEnv.cmd
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\7za.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\7za.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\7za.exe.manifest
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\7zip.license.txt
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\checksum.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\checksum.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\checksum.license.txt
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\shimgen.exe
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\shimgen.exe.ignore
> Extracting  tools\chocolateyInstall\tools\shimgen.license.txt
> Extracting
> package\services\metadata\core-properties\76d3f3bbe9a640538ceffb48cbfdb8ba.psmdcp
> Extracting  [Content_Types].xml
> Everything is Ok
> Files: 119
> Size:       2655955
> Compressed: 984910
> Installing chocolatey on this machine
> Creating ChocolateyInstall as an Environment variable (targeting
> 'Machine') and setting it to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey
> '
> We are setting up the Chocolatey repository for NuGet packages that should
> be at the machine level. Think executables/ap
> plication packages, not library packages.
> That is what Chocolatey NuGet goodness is for. The repository is set up at
> 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey'.
> The packages themselves go to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib' (i.e.
> C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\yourPackageName).
> A shim file for the command line goes to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin'
> and points to an executable in 'C:\ProgramData\
> chocolatey\lib\yourPackageName'.
> Creating Chocolatey NuGet folders if they do not already exist.
> Copying the contents of
> 'C:\Users\edreamleo\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocInstall\tools\chocolateyInstall'
> to 'C:\Pr
> ogramData\chocolatey'.
> Chocolatey is now ready.
> You can call chocolatey from anywhere, command line or powershell by
> typing choco.
> Run choco /? for a list of functions.
> You may need to shut down and restart powershell and/or consoles first
> prior to using chocolatey.
> Ensuring chocolatey commands are on the path
> C:\Windows\system32>
> C:\Windows\system32>SET
> PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin
> C:\Windows\system32>cinst nuget.commandline
> Chocolatey (v0.9.8.27) is installing 'nuget.commandline' and dependencies.
> By installing you accept the license for 'nug
> et.commandline' and each dependency you are installing.
> 'NuGet.CommandLine 2.8.2' already installed.
> If you want to reinstall the current version of an existing package,
> please use the -force command.
> Finished installing 'nuget.commandline' and dependencies - if errors not
> shown in console, none detected. Check log for
> errors if unsure.
> C:\Windows\system32>cinst pyqt4
> Chocolatey (v0.9.8.27) is installing 'pyqt4' and dependencies. By
> installing you accept the license for 'pyqt4' and each
>  dependency you are installing.
> 'pyqt4' already installed.
> If you want to reinstall the current version of an existing package,
> please use the -force command.
> Finished installing 'pyqt4' and dependencies - if errors not shown in
> console, none detected. Check log for errors if un
> sure.
> C:\Windows\system32>cinst pip
> Chocolatey (v0.9.8.27) is installing 'pip' and dependencies. By installing
> you accept the license for 'pip' and each dep
> endency you are installing.
> easy.install v0.6.11.4
> PATH environment variable does not have C:\Python27\Scripts in it.
> Adding...
> Setting PYTHONHOME environment variable to 'C:\Python27'
> PS: PYTHONHOME variable is not required to Python works, but it is a good
> practice to have it.
> Using python home at 'C:\Python27'
> Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
> ----                -------------     ------ ----
> d----        10/13/2014     11:30            easy.install
> Write-Error : easy.install did not finish successfully. Boo to the
> chocolatey gods!
> -----------------------
> [ERROR] Method invocation failed because [System.Object[]] doesn't contain
> a method named 'Replace'.
> -----------------------
> At
> C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\chocolateyinstall\helpers\functions\Write-ChocolateyFailure.ps1:30
> char:14
> +   Write-Error <<<<  $errorMessage
>     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error],
> WriteErrorException
>     + FullyQualifiedErrorId :
> Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Write-Error
> Write-Error : Package 'easy.install v0.6.11.4' did not install
> successfully: Method invocation failed because [System.O
> bject[]] doesn't contain a method named 'Replace'.
> At
> C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\chocolateyinstall\functions\Chocolatey-NuGet.ps1:90
> char:28
> +                 Write-Error <<<<  "Package `'$installedPackageName
> v$installedPackageVersion`' did not install succes
> sfully: $($_.Exception.Message)"
>     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error],
> WriteErrorException
>     + FullyQualifiedErrorId :
> Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Write-Error
> pip v1.2.0
> C:\Windows\system32>rem ** choose easy_install26/27/32
> d----        10/13/2014     11:30            pip
> pip has finished successfully! The chocolatey gods have answered your
> request!
> Finished installing 'pip' and dependencies - if errors not shown in
> console, none detected. Check log for errors if unsu
> re.
> C:\Windows\system32>pushd C:\Python27\
> C:\Python27>.\Scripts\pip install
> Downloading/unpacking
>   Downloading (unknown size): 8.5MB downloaded
>   Running egg_info for package from
>     warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under
> directory 'leo'
>     warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under
> directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.tix' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.dbm' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.conf' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.TXT' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.def' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.six' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.cat' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.pro' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.rix' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.alg' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.iix' under directory 'leo'
>     no previously-included directories found matching 'leo\__pycache__'
>     no previously-included directories found matching 'leo\*\__pycache__'
> Installing collected packages: leo
>   Running install for leo
>     warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under
> directory 'leo'
>     warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under
> directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.tix' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.dbm' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.conf' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.TXT' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.def' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.six' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.cat' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.pro' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.rix' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.alg' under directory 'leo'
>     warning: no files found matching '*.iix' under directory 'leo'
>     no previously-included directories found matching 'leo\__pycache__'
>     no previously-included directories found matching 'leo\*\__pycache__'
>     Installing script to c:\python27\Scripts
>     Installing leoc.exe script to c:\python27\Scripts
>     Installing leoc.exe.manifest script to c:\python27\Scripts
>     Installing leo-script.pyw script to c:\python27\Scripts
>     Installing leo.exe script to c:\python27\Scripts
>     Installing leo.exe.manifest script to c:\python27\Scripts
> Successfully installed leo
> Cleaning up...
> C:\Python27>popd
> C:\Windows\System32>move C:\Python27 D:\Python27
> The device is not ready.
> C:\Windows\System32>pushd D:\Python27
> The device is not ready.
> C:\Windows\System32>pythonw -c "import leo.core.runLeo;
> 'pythonw' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> C:\Windows\System32>
> I can't say I'm overly impressed with the choco gods.
> It looks like I'll have to reinstall Python27.
> Otoh, there is folder C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib which contains folders
> for nuget, pip, and pyqt4.4 and python 2.7.2, so maybe things *almost*
> worked.  Any idea what happened and what I should do?
> Edward
> --
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