Terry congratulated me on fixing #76 erroneous clone markers in @auto 
trees. The celebrations are premature. 

It's easy to see at least one flaw in the present gnx allocation code: the 
post-pass calculates ni.lastIndex after reading all external files 
**including @auto nodes**.

But suppose the @auto node contains a new node (a node created outside of 
Leo).  The @auto read code will *immediately* allocate a gnx for the new 
node.  This happens before the post-pass runs, so the newly allocated gnx 
could clash with a previously allocated gnx!

Yes, this can only happen if the present invocation of Leo clashes with a 
previous invocation of Leo.  (Two invocations of Leo **clash** if both are 
based on the same timestamp.) We all now agree that clashes *do* happen.  
The post-pass was supposed to be a workaround. But we shall soon see that 
it isn't.

My first thought was to delay the allocation of new gnx's until after the 
postpass.  Like this:

1. ni.getNewIndex would allocate None as the gnx if it is called before the 
post-pass. In that case, getNewIndex would add the vnode with the dummy gnx 
to a global list.

2. After the post-pass, all nodes on this list would get a proper, safe, 
gnx based on the updated ni.lastIndex.

But this is all delusion!  Consider these itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny questions:

1. How many .leo files did the previous clashing invocation of Leo open?

2. When is *this* invocation going to open all the files opened in the 
*other* invocation of Leo?

Oops! Leo can only run the post-pass after we open *all* the .leo files 
opened by the "clashing" invocation of Leo.  But Leo has no idea what those 
.leo files were!  As a result, Leo can *never* be sure a .leo file that is 
opened *after* the post-pass won't contain gnx's that clash with 
newly-allocated gnx's in *this* invocation of Leo.

This problem has no solution: it is always too early to run the post-pass! 
Leo must create unique gnx's without using a post-pass.

Terry's Aussie brother Tony reminds us that *no* timestamp format, no 
matter how fine-grained, can guarantee that timestamps will *never* 
collide. I doubt that SegundoBob's timestamp-adjusting hack will suffice 
either in general.

It seems that the *only* solution is to use uuid's for all newly-allocated 
gnxs.  This would eliminate the harmful effects of clashing invocations. 
Indeed, the notion of clashing invocations disappears if Leo doesn't base 
gnx's on timestamps.

Your comments please.


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