On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 6:14 AM, john lunzer <lun...@gmail.com> wrote:

Could Leo have something like @int/@bool/@string/etc simple settings types
> but applicable to any node in an outline?

​Anything is possible, but I won't do this. Settings are complex and
capable enough as it is.

Put common data in settings in myLeoSettings.leo or in the local .leo file
and get them as usual.

In particular, @data nodes can hold any data you want. c.config.getData has
the following signature:

    def getData (self,setting,strip_comments=True,strip_data=True):

You may want to set the two keyword args to False.

Finally, your scripts communicate through g.app.permanentScriptDict​. This
dict is not cleared after a script executes. Keys and values are anything
you want.  This is one alternative to using c.config.set/get.



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