On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 9:12 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
off...@riseup.net> wrote:

> I think that the proper level of granularity for integration between the
> ideas of Leo and IPython would be at cell level, not at document level.
> Something like making a cell in IPython become a node in Leo.
​Yes, I agree, so far as I understand the implications.​

> I have proposed the idea of using services to make the Leo nodes to talk
> with a Jupyter kernel, to bring live coding to Leo self referential
> documents.
​Perhaps I will be able to understand your idea more fully now that I see
that Pyzo already does this, as far as I can tell.​

> With such integration you could have the best of the both worlds:
> interactivity of IPython and the self-referential emergent and programmable
> tree of Leo.
​This is a good statement of intent.  I don't understand it in detail, but
as I have said in another reply, this project is worth *any* amount of work.

Given the state of Pyzo, it's entirely reasonable, imo, to target something
spectacular for Leo in 2017.  And not just a prototype or two.  They should
only take a few days/week.  I mean something that will be truly useful for
IPython/Jupyter users, without changing either IPython or Jupyter in any

> I have made an app to explore such ideas (documents as interactive self
> referential trees) called Grafoscopio (using Pharo instead of Python).
​I am very interested in what you have found.  I understand you prefer
Pharo, but any advice you can give that pertains to Python or Pyzo will be
most welcome.  In fact, it may be that the design of Grafoscopio will
provide import clues/insights into this project.​

> So is nice to see this exploration taking form (interactive IPython cells
> as Leo nodes, finally!). Hopefully machine learning would be the context to
> bootstrap such integration.
​Heh. I already know enough about machine learning to know that Leo will
remain my life's work.  I'm a tool guy, not an entrepreneur.

Having said that, Jupyter notebooks seem to be the Lingua Franca of the
academic/scientific world.  This is the world I admire most, and the world
in which I am most comfortable.  Leo simply must be a player in that world.


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