On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 4:22 PM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor <
leo-editor@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> I guess I wonder which tasks can currently only be accomplished with org
> mode, and not Leo.
> I thought Leo had recently acquired support for multiple source
> languages?  Or are you talking about executing, not syntax highlighting?

​Correct. Leo needs to support, C, C#, C++, Java, etc.​

> A good table editor would be nice, it should read/write from
> markdown/rst/latex/html.  I suspect there's been at least one iteration of
> such a thing, in the distant past. If I had an urgent need to edit tables
> in Leo, I'd probably edit them in the richtext plugin (CKEditor) and script
> the results to whatever format I wanted.

​Thanks for this tip.  Still, I think we have to follow org-mode's way on

> The rest of it would be easier to evaluate in terms tasks made easier /
> possible.
> In terms of user base, I think we all agree Leo has multiple potential
> audiences. Emacs users will very techy people, generally.

​I have a bit of Jupyter envy in me :-)


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