On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 12:28 AM, jon h <jon...@gmail.com> wrote:

It's only a couple of days since I started trying to use Leo.
> Can't use it after dark until there's a dark theme working. :)

​Heh.  We'll see what we can do about this.​

Most changes took effect as soon as I did Reload Styles.
> Qt interface changes didn't happen until Leo was restarted.

​First, I think we should remove the instruction to do reload styles.  Best
simply to reload Leo.

> With ekr_dark, only the text pane was dark, so I went back to playing with 
> "leo_dark
> theme 0".
> Yesterday, with dark 0, I had replaced some "@solarized-" names with a
> #hexvalue, and they took effect.

​Good.  Could you share the script with us?  ​


> Today I made a simple python script to replace all of them.
> You can see the result in this screenshot (png ~250kB) :
> https://mega.nz/#!WwEjxDSK!6qxd7FxGicq37aNdzDcEfHYdzS8ONrukS1UdAP0yeC4
> The log pane was properly colored, but the other tabs were not.
> As you can see, the menus were too light to read.
> Anyway, it seems that the problem I had earlier
> ​ ​
> was that "@solarized-" names do not take effect,
> ​ ​
> but I've no idea why they don't.
> ​
> #62: Syntax @color settings don't dereference
> <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/62>​ probably applies.
> ​
A zip of the py file and the before and after leo files is attached.
> (I'm *not* suggesting anyone should make their regular theme this way!)

​Nor am I.  I'd like to get themes working more smoothly before 5.5b1.

Thanks for your help, Jon.


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