Hello Edward,

I should have given more information: For me the problem/ magic was in:



2017-03-11 ~ 17:50

Performing "Settings -> Open Personal Settings" from the menu ...


    no local @settings tree.
    saved: wl2017.leo

2017-03-11 ~ 17:55

Restart Leo & perform "Settings -> Open Personal Settings" a second time
from the menu ...


    Leo Log Window
    Leo 5.4, build 20170304105326, Sat Mar  4 10:53:26 CST 2017
    Not running from a git repo
    Python 3.6.0, PyQt version 5.7.1
    Windows 10 AMD64 (build 10.0.14393) SP0
    leoID=VIRA2017 (in C:\Users\Viktor\.leo)
    load dir: C:\Users\Viktor\Programs\Leo-20170304\leo\core
    global config dir: C:\Users\Viktor\Programs\Leo-20170304\leo\config
    home dir: C:\Users\Viktor
    reading settings in
    reading settings in C:\Users\Viktor\.leo\myLeoSettings.leo
    reading settings in C:\Users\Viktor\worklogs\wl2017.leo
    reading: C:\Users\Viktor\worklogs\wl2017.leo
    read outline in 0.11 seconds

    reading settings in C:\Users\Viktor\.leo\myLeoSettings.leo



    Leo Log Window
    Leo 5.4, build 20170304105326, Sat Mar  4 10:53:26 CST 2017
    Not running from a git repo
    Python 3.6.0, PyQt version 5.7.1
    Windows 10 AMD64 (build 10.0.14393) SP0
    reading: C:\Users\Viktor\.leo\myLeoSettings.leo
    read outline in 0.07 seconds



In other words I had expected that I could change back the 'new' to the
'old' theme without restarting Leo - but - only changing myLeoSettings back
to the old state ...

With kind regards,


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