For about half of my SSH work my files are on what is called the "primary 
network", which is accessible to all windows workstations (where I sit) and 
a few authorized more powerful and capable Linux workstation/servers. When 
I'm accessing these particular remote Linux workstations through PuTTY, I 
do use Leo because my machine has access to the same network shares that 
the Linux servers do.

In many large corporations it is difficult to get a new piece of hardware 
blessed to join the "primary network", but the pace of business is such 
that we have to use new hardware far before jumping through the hoops of 
getting something hardened by security. In these cases we will set up an 
"offline" network (usually in labs) which connects to workstation already 
on the "primary network". The idea is that if the other workstations do not 
have direct access to the internet and they're only being remotely accessed 
through hardware that's already been locked down by IT. 

A lot of my recent work has been on Linux workstations/servers on these 
offline networks. These require two levels of SSH to pass through. SSH to 
secured computer on corporate network, then SSH to offline workstations. In 
fact I usually have several PuTTY terminals open at once, one of them is 
always the node the "offline" computers are connected to. I then 
painstakingly haul over everything I need by means of scp/rsync.

So the whole thing is a bit ugly and setting up network file sharing to the 
"offline" hardware with NFS/sshfs starts to get sketchy from a security 

Initially I attempted to do all my editing on files on the "primary" 
network and then scp/rsync them over to the "offline" workstations but I 
quickly lost the discipline due to the need for quick edits, instead opting 
for terminal based editing facilities.

That's where I'm at, one of the only solutions I can think of longterm is 
having a localized (offline) terminal based outlining editing tool. I think 
there are only two candidates, Leo + full terminal UI or emacs + leo-mode. 
I think they both involve a lot of work. 

I think ideally Leo would gain a full terminal UI. I'm personally waiting 
for Jonathan Slenders to finish python-prompt-toolkit 2.0 because he is 
rewriting huge portions of it to make it easier to write full screen 
terminal applications. He had already the 0.x and 1.x versions to write 
PyMux and PyVim but really he was the only one capable of coercing 
python-prompt-toolkit to producing full screen terminal applications.

On Monday, April 17, 2017 at 3:25:59 PM UTC-4, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 2:16 PM, john lunzer <> wrote:
> > ​stuck SSHing into workstations remotes...I am desperate and saddened by 
> not having Leo. I so badly desire to walk through code in a proper outline.
> Interesting problem.  Let's see what we can do...
> I've never done any SSHing, so correct me if I'm wrong.  Is the problem 
> that your external files are on another machine and it would be too 
> expensive to copy them over the link to a machine with Leo on it?
> Edward

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