On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 2:13:17 PM UTC-4, Terry Brown wrote:
> My impression is that literate programming in the sense of mixing docs. 
> and code has really fallen out of favor for things like software, but 
> is very popular for analysis exercises, as in R-markdown with knitr 
> and also Jupyter notebooks.  In these cases it's not just 
> docs / code / docs / code / docs ... but 
> docs / code / table / docs / code / plot / ... 

I would argue, it has fallen out of favor because explaining things is 
hard. It's part writing ability and part information presentation. I would 
go as far as saying that either of those two is much harder than code. 
Personally, I would be happy if I could find a way to produce API 
documentation and examples interwoven with the actual implementation. In 
this model weaving would produce just the API doc, not the entire "story" 
created by the code. The reason I want them together is because if I change 
the API, I want the documentation right there so I can bring it up to date 
without having to go find it somewhere else.

> I'm actually fiddling with this project: 
> https://github.com/tbnorth/pypanart which tries to get a Python only (no 
> R) pipeline 

That looks quite intriguing. Although I will thank you for the indirect 
reference to doit. That will be more useful to me in the short term ;-)


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