On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:05 PM, Terry Brown <terrynbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Jun 2017 06:39:41 -0700 (PDT)

The success of the current
> ​ ​
> code in the context of 1. is questionable, seeing new and even
> experienced users struggle with settings management.

​Imo few (none?) of those problems arise because Leo represents settings in
.leo files.​

> 2. GUI wise Leo has discarded GUI's in the past, and now has two.  I
> think what you're saying is that setting management *must* remain
> something that can be done within Leo using the tree and body panes.
> I guess that's an understandable desire, although to date it doesn't
> help resolve the settings management challenges.

​Yes, I think that's what I meant ;-)​

I'm not sure if you meant to apply the scripting api clause to this
> discussion, but it doesn't seem relevant.  There would be no change to
> the signature of g|c.config().

​Good.  I wasn't sure about this point.

> > For example, yesterday I discovered a settings table that inited
> > several commander ivars.  My first thought was, maybe this table
> > could go away. But no.  These ivars appear all over Leo.  It would be
> > horrible to use c.config.getInt or c.config.getBool in their stead.
> If you're referring to ivarsData, I don't think that's relevant - the
> issue of objects "caching" config. vars. as ivars is orthogonal to the
> proposed alternative g|c.config() implementation.

​I was referring to ivarsData.  ​I didn't mean to imply that this was
directly relevant to the discussion, although Vitalije's suggestion to
replace these ivars with python properties is interesting.

> I think a confusing part of this discussion is that it's unclear
> whether it's about simplifying code or improving the settings ui.  I
> think it's both, i.e. a proposal to use a DB as a key value store that
> would hugely simplify loading of settings, and also reduce the
> technical barriers to implementing a less challenging settings UI.

​I object to changing the UI on the grounds that it would simplify code. I
don't want people to have to change their settings files!  Maybe a
prototype will convince me that settings files are dumb idea.  Until then,
I remain skeptical.

> But as long as there's a requirement for Leo settings to be editable as
> Leo outlines, the DB implementation is probably not useful.

​That's the rub.  But maybe I'll get really excited by the prototype.​

With respect to the settings struggles
> ​ [big snip] ​
> I think it's clear that the current settings
> management options will always be a barrier for a significant number of
> users.

​I don't have that sense, but if it's true I would welcome proposals to
simplify matters. A proposal that says, in effect, I have a great idea for
throwing away all of Leo's settings machinery is going to be a hard sell,
but possibly not impossible sell.  Incremental proposals would likely be
easier to understand and evaluate.


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