On Wed, 28 Jun 2017 12:48:06 -0700 (PDT)
vitalije <vitali...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > ​I would be happy with that, provided that a) settings can be
> > organized 
> >> and b) per-document (.leo file) settings are possible.​ ​ The best
> >> way of organizing anything is in a .leo file.​
> >
> As I wrote in the earlier post today, it is trivial in sqlite to
> open connection to several different databases (files). So it is easy
> to have one database file for settings machine wide, another one for
> settings per user, and yet another one for settings per folder (if I
> am not mistaken there used to be possible for user to define settings
> per project/folder, although I have never used that possibility). It
> is easy to make script to dump all relevant (leo,
> myLeo) settings-files in separate databases. 

The docs. on settings location are here:

not 100% sure but I assume `homeDir` is ~/.leo or $HOME\.leo and
`configDir` is .../leo/config/, and `localDir` is the folder containing
the .leo file.

Hmm, I'd forgotten about the machine-name variation, although it can be
very useful when the same filesystem is accessed from different
hardware setups.

Essential: 1a, 2b, 3
Consider dropping: 1b, 1c, 2a - really when would you use these?
Useful: 2c, 2d - 2d when you want .leo files in a folder to share

So there's a question of when to use separate DB files vs. info. in the
DB to separate contexts.

1a and 2b would obviously be their own DB files, with a search that
fails in 2b being repeated in 1a, trusting for now that that won't be a
performance issue.

3 is trickier.  We're going to (ok, proposing to ;-) separate the
settings data from the rest of the .leo file(*).  Managing two files
side by side seems obnoxious, from the users point of view.  I think it
would be better to put the outline specific info. in the same DB as
used for 2b (e.g. ~/.leo/myLeoSettings.sqlite3).  So the setting table
might look like:

setting: long - primary key for settings table
name: text - setting name
body: text - text data for setting for docs. and @data settings
type: long - link to types table (@bool, @int, @data, etc.)
parent: long - link to settings table for hierarchy
outline: long - link to outline table

We'd start by looking at c.db to see how the outline table might manage
outline identities.

(*) this separation is a high cost thing.  It means the user can't just
move the .leo file to another system and have that file's local
settings follow along.  This is consistent with myLeoSettings.leo also
not following along, but still seems like a regression.

Which suggests that at least for file local settings we might want to
continue to support .leo file @settings trees.  Hmm.

That leads to wanting to make .leo file @settings trees more writable
than they are now, which leads to the possibility of using Leo outlines
rather than sqlite as a storage format.  Before this is interpreted as
scraping the idea completely, I'll point out the leosax.py module which
reads .leo files into a light weight dict representation of an outline
many many times faster than Leo's regular read code.  It ignores
external files, and is read only.

Alternatives are

(a) keeping the .leo and settings DBs side by side,
    something.leo and something.leo.settings.sqlite?
(b) embedding the sqlite data in a the .leo XML file - 
    that seems like a horrible idea.

So I think the question of the cost of separating file-local settings
from the .leo file is an issue here.  It sort of runs contrary to the
idea of XML, which should allow everything to be in one file.

But anything that deviates from simple vanilla use of sqlite DB files
starts to lose the simplicity gain.  Hmm.

Cheers -Terry

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