I've been looking at a couple syncing issues:
- between work and home (I currently schlep a laptop back and forth)
- between my comfortable, tweaked, gui workstation using heavily
  customized Leo, and files of interest on bare bone servers.

leo_cloud looks like it will address the first one very nicely.
I's a big deal.

For the 2nd one I'm using the Gvim scp capability:
# gvim scp://user@server//path/to/files/

I've been looking at kludges which would mimic vim's scp://
capability while working from Leo, they mostly involve rsync and inotify,

If I was a better programmer I'd try to write
@scp-auto and @scp-clean file types.

Just saying.


On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 3:40 PM, Terry Brown <terrynbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The new leo_cloud plugin allows subtrees within a .leo file to be
> stored in the cloud.  It should be possible to support various cloud
> platforms, currently git is supported (i.e. you can use GitLab or
> GitHub or your own remote git server).
> A leo_cloud subtree has a top node with a headline that starts with
> '@leo_cloud'.  The rest of the headline is ignored.  The body of this
> top node is used to describe the cloud service, e.g.:
> type: Git
> remote: g...@gitlab.com:tnbrown/leo_cloud_storage.git
> local: ~/.leo/leo_cloud/gitlab_leo_cloud_storage
> ID: shortcuts
> read_on_load: ask
> write_on_save: ask
> The first three lines can be repeated with different IDs to store
> different subtrees at the same remote cloud location.
> read_on_load: / write_on_save: can be yes, no, or ask.  If it's not one
> of those three, there's a warning dialog.
> There's also a file system backend, which would look like this:
> type: FileSystem
> root: ~/DropBox/leo_cloud
> ID: my_notes
> read_on_load: ask
> write_on_save: ask
> The FileSystem backend was meant to be for development, but of course
> if you map it into a folder that is sync'ed externally, as shown above,
> it can serve as a cloud adapter too.
> In addition to the Git and FileSystem cloud types it should be possible
> to add many others - Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, AWS, WebDAV,
> sFTP, whatever.
> Note: https://gitlab.com/ gives you free private repos., in case you
> didn't know.
> The data stored is basically headline, body, and uA (unknown
> attributes).  The caveat is that it must be JSON serializable, this is
> to avoid pickle flavor issues.  I don't think this will cause problems
> except for legacy datetime objects from the todo.py plugin and set()s
> in the tags plugin.  I think both can be fixed easily - a custom JSON
> writer can write datetime as iso string time and sets as lists, and the
> tags plugin can coerce lists to sets.  I think the todo.py plugin
> already reads iso string time values.
> My intended use was a common synchronized todo list across machines,
> which this achieves.  (note to self, make sure todo icons are refreshed
> properly).
> An unintended bonus is that you can use it to sync. your settings
> across machines easily too.  Because Leo is brilliant ;-), this:
> @settings
>   @keys
>     @leo_cloud
>       @shortcuts
> "just works", so now your shortcuts etc. can be stored on a central
> server.
> Lightly tested, but seems to work - testing and other feedback
> appreciated.
> Cheers -Terry
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