On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 4:08 PM, Rebecca Scalese <kalista....@gmail.com>

So, just discovered Leo editor, probably going to use it since it looks
> like a killer IDE *and* a good writer companion app (I'm both a webdev
> and a writer).

​Welcome aboard!

> I've been scratching my head all day about Markdown, though. With rST3,
> one can "compile" a rST tree into a .html file; my wish is to achieve
> something similar with Markdown (i.e. write a document in the form of a
> tree of Markdown sections, and have a .html file at the time of saving /
> "exporting"). It looks like it's probably possible, but at this point I
> figure asking the community for advice probably is going to be faster than
> just keeping on poking around.

​I don't know what's possible.  I've mostly just stuck with rST in
LeoDocs.leo out of inertia.  I would definitely prefer to use markdown

Does anyone already have an easy workflow to create docs from Leo documents
containing markdown?

> The "warmest trail" I have is maaaybe installing Sphinx, getting it to
> support Markdown and setting Leo up so that when the rST command is run,
> the intermediate file is .md and it's then interpreted as Markdown by
> Sphinx, creating the "properly compiled" .html file through Sphinx rather
> than Leo. But this feels like it's leaning into overkill territory, and I'm
> not even sure that'd work...
> Is there a simpler way? Am I even thinking of this "a right way"?

​Excellent questions!

​As I said, I haven't really confronted these questions myself.  There are
a few toy uses of markdown in LeoDocs.leo.  Search for @language md.

Both use @auto-md, and both are intended to use the @button make-md-toc
script to generate a table of contents (in the console) which you then
paste by hand into the sources.  Not at all elegant, but it's a start.

Does anyone have any other ideas?

I have just created #633
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/633> to discuss this.


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