The following contains back discussion of node pipes.  It consists of 
edited versions of old emails. I am creating this post to offload lengthy 
details from #667 <>.

I don't understand all the implications of this discussion. Feel free to 
comment as you like, here, or in a separate thread.


The editor envy resulting from the demo on Light Table 
<> main page, has me revisiting a feature that's been 

Sending output to the log pane is very useful, it's how Leo talks back.

Executing from the command line means one space for input and output.

Executing in a Leo node and writing to the log improves on this by 
providing different spaces for input and output.

Could Leo generalize this concept such that any node could be designated as 
a destination for output?

Given multiple visible nodes, akin to Terry's stickynotes, or Ville's 
recent grid suggestion [EKR: see the Won't Do section of 
leo/doc/leoToDo.txt] Leo could duplicate the power of simultaneous feedback 
shown by Light Table.

Reminds me of the power graph database folks talk about, where you can 
define nodes and edges to be whatever you want.

The nodes could be sources or sinks. Sources: code or commands ... Sinks: 
standard out, tail -f logfile, network traffic, introspection ...

The edges would define handlers for the content of the sources, format the 
results and send to the sinks.

So, as I write code in one node, I can see a node displaying stdout, 
another watching a log file, another showing docstrings, another showing 
test results ...


The 'ileo workbook' concept is relevant; it allowed you to easily reference 
other nodes in your scripts ( meant node with headline 'foo').

It's nice in theory, but the rigid UI model where we show only one node at 
a time made it hard to visualize. Tabula or grid would make it more 
concrete and intuitive - you could show input, output and the manipulator 
script at the same time. Or make small nodes with intermediate results etc.

How this would relate to 'pipeline'?  You would have explicit way to say 
what nodes are input, when nodes are output and what are the scripts that 
transform input to output. Editing inputs or scripts would ping you somehow 
that outputs are out of date, allowing you to easily press button to 
recalculate outputs.

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