On Sun, 11 Mar 2018 07:05:54 -0700 (PDT)
Thomas Passin <tbp100...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I haven't worked on anything much in-browser since before html5 came
> out. So I didn't know anything about "~=", for example.  Even then I
> tried to only work with the simpler constructs (both javascript and
> css), so I probably wouldn't have used that particular construct
> anyway.

The ~= operator is a Qt Stylesheet thing that let's Qt stylesheets act
like HTML CSS with classes.  So having a class is probably the most
fundamental selector in CSS, ignoring ID, but it's a second class
citizen in Qt Stylesheets, implemented by ~= which is "attribute
contains".  So


    p.foo { }

Qt Stylesheet

    p[style_class ~= 'foo'] { }

where style_class is arbitrary, but what Leo uses.

But I'd take second class citizen over broken, which is what I think it
is in Qt >= 5.8, unless it got fixed and they never cleared the bug

Cheers -Terry

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