On Tue, 20 Mar 2018 02:18:56 -0700 (PDT)
rengel <reinhard.engel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sunday, March 18, 2018 at 3:23:40 PM UTC+1, Terry Brown wrote:
> >
> > Firefox / Chrome / and I think at least one of the MS browsers have
> > tabs on top. Admittedly they don't really have menu bars, but they
> > have similarly critical elements under the tabs.  In both cases
> > (Leo and browsers) the tabs represent a complete change of context,
> > so I don't really see the tab positioning as surprising.  In Leo,
> > perhaps more than other apps., changing tabs can change the menus
> > and tools available. 
> You might be missing my point.
> As I understood, Leo is not up against Firefox, Chrome, or Gimp, but 
> against full-fledged development environments for programmers like
> PyCharm, Eric, Eclipse, and I might add Atom or VSCode. They all
> follow the paradigm that I described in my original post. 
> You only have a couple of minutes to make a first impression. The 
> impression Leo makes is: Doesn't honor/follow established standards. 
> Period. No time, to check out just another homegrown editor.
> Reinhard

I think the examples you give (and Gimp is in that category too) are
using tabs to switch files.  Leo uses tabs to switch contexts, and in
that case browsers are the widespread familiar example.  Leo doesn't
use tabs to switch files.  You can use the bookmarks plugin to achieve
the same thing, and put the bookmarks in the position used by the file
switching tabs in your examples.  Leo also has other ways of collecting
"the subset of things I'm working on now", like clones.

Attempting to use Leo's context tabs to switch files the way PyCharm
etc. do would be very inefficient, requiring one .leo file per source

Cheers -Terry

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