#765: Improve the Cmds menu 
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/765> inspired the work. 
This item is now closed.

I was about to blow off this item when I finally saw how to make menus 
"task oriented".  The key is so simple: just use verb-object form, 
especially for organizer menus. I've added many such sub-menus.  In some 
cases, a top-level menu consists *only* of sub-menus.

The Cmds menu itself is gone.  The new naming made clear that many items 
belonged in other menus.  All the remaining items are now part of the new 
Run menu. At present, Alt-R does not open this menu.  It is bound to 
another command.

Menus now follow a new visual convention.  A separator line now separates 
menu items from sub-menus.


Leo's new menus now are task oriented. That is, they tell what happens to 
what objects. This should help newbies considerably.


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