I'd like to discuss what I think is most important, and why.  The simplest, 
easiest, most general ideas are often the most important.  Complexity 
definitely is not the same as importance.  Let's look at some examples:

*Eliminating caching using super-fast reading*

Vitalije's code essentially in-lined the entire read code. The result was 
almost exactly as fast as recreating the outline from the cache.  So the 
file cache was no longer needed.  Not only did this eliminate the horrid 
caching code, it eliminated a source of confusion for users. No more 
--no-cache option. This is the highlight of this year's work.

*Caching only non-essential attributes*

Leo caches marked and expanded bits, selected node and (maybe) topmost 
visible node.  .leo files no longer contain these data, thereby reducing 
unnecessary diffs.  An important simplification, well worth the work.

*Better tree redrawing*

The present Qt tree redrawing code is extremely slow when many nodes are 
visible.  Happily, however, this does not happen often, especially when Leo 
is configured to automatically collapse nodes that are not in the subtree 
containing c.p.

It would be possible to fix this bug without changing Leo's data model.  
Vitalije may have other ideas.  We'll all evaluate the code when it becomes 
available.  It would be good to fix this bug, but it isn't particularly 
urgent to do so.

*New data model*

The new data model may make tree redraw easier. The new data model is 
advertised to "stabilize" positions, though just how is not yet clear to 
me. This promises to simplify c.deletePositionsInList. I am *most *interested 
in whether the new data model will make it possible to represent huge 

*Refactoring code*

Simplifications are always welcome, provided that they don't become mammoth 
projects.  Simplifications aren't worth doing if they break lots of 
existing scripts or plugins. Leo's overall architecture is sound, whatever 
Leo's code level defects. There are more important issues than reducing 
localized code complexity.  

The LoadManager class contains Leo's init code. Whatever its complexity, it 
works.  Simplifying it must retain *all* existing features, including 
compatibility with plugins. 

*New directions*

This is the most important of all, but it's not completely separate from 
the above.  Surely, eliminating file caching is a new direction for Leo.

The recent discussion about supporting intermixed code and comments is a 
truly new direction. It's been on my mind for a long time, and variations 
have been frequently requested. More independent body widgets would also be 

The most important new directions of all involve new environments and new 
ways of collaborating with other tools.  Joe Orr's work is one example.  
Better importers aren't so glamorous, but are still very important.  I look 
forward to seeing what new importer framework Vitalije may create.


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