On Monday, July 29, 2019 at 4:04:57 PM UTC+2, Terry Brown wrote:
> I disagree with Vitalije's assessment of how often you'd execute it,

I didn't want to say that this command should be used rarely. I was just 
pointing out that unless you have changed the code in a node, there is no 
point in executing this command. While reading code  you presumably select 
nodes more often than you write code that needs beautifying. And perhaps 
while you write code, you wish to see it beautified right away and not just 
after you had selected some other node and then come back to the original 
node to see the beautified code.

I am mostly concerned with the present complexity of the tree 
selection/deselection code. I feel like it has already too much staff 
there, and perhaps something needs to be removed, reduced, simplified. 
Adding more code to it worries me.


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