On Monday, March 16, 2020 at 7:17:17 AM UTC-4, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> In the "What's Next post 
> <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/leo-editor/3dZK1_pjGcE/vL57PduhAgAJ> I 
> said:
> "As far as wasm [WebAssembly] goes, rust has a (temporary?) advantage over 
> python, because wasm doesn't yet support garbage collection."
> Well, what about writing the python interp in rust? No need for a gc ;-) 
> As so often happens, someone not only had that idea, but did something 
> about it. It's called RustPython 
> <https://github.com/RustPython/RustPython>. I might study the code, just 
> to see what real rust code looks like. Or not.
> Imo, RustPython is not likely to go anywhere, unless a company like Google 
> or Apple supports it. For Python's core devs, RustPython probably looks 
> like a fork. Having just emerged from the trauma of the Python 3 fork, my 
> guess is that they have no appetite for another.

Like PyPy and Stackless, though the devs are usually trying to keep 
compatibility with them as they add new features.

I wonder if there is a C++ to Rust converter.  That would be the only thing 
that could event make it thinkable.

BTW, Jython is a wonder.  It's only up to 2.7 so far, though I think they 
are slowly working on a version 3.  You can import any java library and use 
it in Python code, and you can write a Python module and call it from 
inside a Java program.  The only hitch in using it from the command line, 
really, is that it takes a long time to start up.  I used it to make a 
little index and search app with Lucene.

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