On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 9:02 AM Thomas Passin <tbp100...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Imo, RustPython is not likely to go anywhere, unless a company like
Google or Apple supports it. For Python's core devs, RustPython probably
looks like a fork. Having just emerged from the trauma of the Python 3
fork, my guess is that they have no appetite for another.

> Like PyPy and Stackless, though the devs are usually trying to keep
compatibility with them as they add new features.

Right. I was thinking of both.
> I wonder if there is a C++ to Rust converter.

Use the Google, Luke. It probably has much the same status as RustPython

> That would be the only thing that could even make it thinkable.

Support from a major player would also make it thinkable.


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