> The problem I'm having is that my repo in my account on Github somehow got 
> messed up, and I haven't been able to nuke it, repair it, or get it to 
> fully update itself from the Leo upstream.

Thomas I think maybe what happened is that at some point in history a new 
local branch named "devel" was created based on "master" instead of 
checking out the upstream "devel". 

To clean up the situation I might try: 

   1. Ensure local repo is up to date with 
   2. Archive local repo into a zip (or whatever) and then delete
   3. On GitHub delete https://github.com/tbpassin/leo-editor under 
   [settings]. You can import from your local repo later if you decide it has 
   something important.
   4. Create a new fork from https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor and 
   clone to your local machine.
   5. Checkout Devel branch
   6. Create your branch from Devel and bring in your work.
The purpose of archiving and deleting in #2 instead of moving or renaming 
is to ensure Github Desktop can't possiblly seeing anything but the new 


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