On Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 9:30:38 AM UTC-4, vitalije wrote:
> 6. Changing Leo's file format to make your new code easier to test would 
>> be letting the tail wag the dog. I am confident that you can find a robust 
>> testing strategy that does not depend on a new file format.
> I understand your unease for making this kind of change. There is nothing 
> urgent in my proposition. If we change write code so that it outputs 
> starting sentinel *@+leo-ver=6*, we can use two different functions for 
> parsing the rest of the file content. Old files having *@+leo-ver=5* will 
> be loaded using the old reading code. So there won't be any inconveniences 
> for users, developers and future maintainers.

I'm with Edward on this one.  Having had corrupted or obsolete .leo files 
before, I do not want to have any possibility of having more.  In addition, 
if a new version of Leo starts to write a new format for say @file nodes, 
those still using an older version will not be able to read them.   It's 
already confusing enough to know what we are getting - what is the 
difference between @auto vs @file, for example?  Adding a new format will 
add to the uncertainty, and if you call it something different like @file1, 
that would be even more confusing for a lot of people.

Edward also mentioned redundancy.  IMO, redundancy that helps in error 
recovery is good.  Remember, there are going to be tens of thousands of 
files in the new format eventually.  Some of them will have mis-used 
directives, some of them will have some kind of corruption.  We need to 
have a good chance of recovering those files anyway.  And we would still 
need to keep the old code for the old format in Leo for many years.  So the 
result will be more complexity for Leo (both code branches will need to be 
maintained), not less, and more potential confusion for users and not less.

If Leo had to read large files rapidly and repeatedly, the conclusion might 
be different.  But why should I care if Leo could read leoref.leo in 20 ms 
less time?  It wouldn't matter at all as a practical matter.  As a 
technical matter, of course it's cool if you develop new, clean, fast code 
- who doesn't like that?  But for Leo as an everyday tool, There's really 
no benefit that I can see.

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