On Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 10:55:42 AM UTC-4, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> Every since the original discussion of zettelkasten 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/leo-editor/TqiNdBfnEig/pvnwEs1bCgAJ> 
> I have been wondering whether it might be useful in organizing my 
> bookmarks. It certainly has drawn my attention to how I actually do 
> organize my bookmarks.
> Often googling a topic is faster than using a bookmark, no matter how easy 
> it is to find the bookmark.  Otoh, bookmarks remind me that something is 
> worth googling!
> What do you think, Amigos?

Ever since I wrote my bookmark manager in the 2004 time frame, I have gone 
back and forth between using it or googling for something.  I think that 
has a lot to do with the kind of results that Google (or DuckDuckGo, which 
I mostly use) returns. There is also the issue of whether you want to look 
for something new or not.

I don't find the hierarchical bookmark manager in any browser to be very 
useful.  If that's all I had, I'd probably hardly every bother to bookmark 
anything except for temporary purposes.  My program helps you find things, 
including unexpected links, in a way that browsers don't.  I have been 
thinking about how I could make the software useful for others.  That's 
been a difficult question for several reasons, among them my determination 
that the data be portable and not locking into one browser.  So far my only 
solution has been to use the file system, but browsers can't write directly 
to the file system.  My workaround uses a series of batch files to create 
the data that gets loaded into the browser.  This makes things hard for new 
users to just start using the system, and even harder to add annotations 
(for which I do provide a capability).

I have also been thinking about whether a zettelkasten could replace my 
bookmark manager.  I haven't settled this in my mind yet.  It is 
conceivable that code could be written that would analyze the outline 
structure of a zettlekasten and come up with a similar indexing system.  
This is probably the approach I would favor.  This indexing system would be 
used along with more normal searching among full text and tags (I use rst 
:tag: lines in my zettel entries).

Actually, as important as the actual indexing system is coming up with a 
good way to present the results to the user.  In my browser bookmark 
manager, I use separate frames.  Yes, so 1990s, but they work really well 
in this case.

In my vision of marrying bookmarks with the zettelkasten, the bookmark 
entry would become just one kind of zettel among others.  IOW, I wouldn't 
expect to have a separate zettelkasten just for bookmarks.


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