(continuing my example)

It's not about which command to run if expanded/collapsed, its about which 
will be selected when the command is run. (if we're considering the command 
'selectNextVisible', for instance... 

So what is computed by the controller, is which p node to set the selection 
to, based on the currently selected node p, and what nodes are 

So the computation to choose the newly selected node, in the controller 
with the model, is based on expand/collapse data.

I could write a script on a node, run it through a button or ctrl+b, and 
that script could do stuff based on data in the tree, headlines, body 
content, but also expanded/collapsed states. So its a boolean bit of data, 
that is merely reflected in the gui, but not primarily stored there, in my 
opinion. It's important data as much a as headline text and body content. 
(but only 1 small bit). 

It should be treated as such, just like headline labels and body text: 
rendered by the gui, which also exposes ways to change them (body, 
headlines and collapsed state - oh, and also user attributes). 

On Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 1:29:04 AM UTC-4, vitalije wrote:
>>  It is visualised as expanded/collapsed in the gui, indeed right, but its 
>> important in the model/controller as much as the 'headline string' or 'body 
>> content' because of those commands which set the selected node based on 
>> whats collapsed/expanded. So it is real model data/state as much as 
>> headline content and body content.
>> Nevertheless this piece of data *IS* stored in the Qt GUI, and I am sure 
> that any GUI you can think of that implements Tree widget will have this 
> information too. Whenever you have to keep a copy of some data in two or 
> more places, you'll have to synchronize this data and there is always a 
> possibility of getting out of sync. OTOH, when the model is designed in 
> such a way that a single piece of information is always kept in one and 
> only one place, there is no need for synchronization and it is impossible 
> by design to get out of sync.
> You might decide for your GUI not to keep track about expanded/collapsed 
> state and to ask through the Leo bridge every time you need this 
> information, but still under the hood, bridge won't be able to give you a 
> stable response. If you decide to keep track of the expanded/collapsed 
> state in your GUI, you will be able to set this information in Leo 
> correctly before executing any of the commands you mentioned, or better 
> yet, those commands can be separated in several different commands and you 
> just choose one you want depending on the expanded/collapsed state.
> This approach can be taken in any GUI. For example:
> # instead of
> def my_command(...):
>     if p.isExpanded():
>         do_one_thing()
>     else:
>         do_other_thing()
> # it should be
> def my_command_when_collapsed(...):
>     do_one_thing()
> def my_command_when_expanded(...):
>     do_other_thing()
> And then, let the GUI choose which command to call, depending on the 
> current expanded/collapsed state.
> Vitalije

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