Dear Leo team,

I upgraded Leo from 6.1 to 6.3. As a result I couldn't recognize my Leo 
anymore, everything different, all my settings seemed gone. Simply opening 
myLeoSettings seemed to help, but that change wasn't persistent after 
closing Leo.

So I decided to remove Leo, remove ~/.leo and install Leo again, a fresh 
install. Leo created ~/.leo and therein a default myLeoSettings.leo. As 
that file contained almost nothing I copied 
/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/leo/config/leoSettings.leo to 

Next, leo started and looked as expected - dark theme, well... . But when I 
opened myLeoSettings from the menu Settings, the theme changed from the 
default dark theme to *the* light one, which I'm used with Leo since 2003. 
Good, but why is this? I didn't change anything yet! 

Ok, close Leo and start again. Again, a dark theme. Open myLeoSettings to 
change a few things: Fonts. Change fonts. Reload settings. Fonts dont't 
change. Restart Leo. Dark theme, no change in font size. Open 
myLeosettings. Light theme. Fonts changed as expected.

Any idea, what's going on?

Another, but minor one: On my machine the log says, after Leo has started 
(real user name replaced by 'XXX'):
Leo Log Window
Leo 6.3
Python 3.9.0, PyQt version 5.15.2
setting leoID from os.getenv('USER'): 'XXX'
current dir: /home/XXX
load dir: /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/leo/core
global config dir: /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/leo/config
home dir: /home/XXX
reading settings in 
reading settings in /home/XXX/.leo/myLeoSettings.leo
reading settings in /home/XXX/atlantis.leo
reading settings in 
reading settings in /home/XXX/atlantis.leo
read 14 files in 3.17 seconds
read outline in 4.11 seconds

Why does Leo look for settings in my workbook twice? 


P.S.: I'm on Arch Linux, everything up to date.

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