On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 7:08 AM poseidon <f...@fhv.at> wrote:

> I upgraded Leo from 6.1 to 6.3. As a result I couldn't recognize my Leo
anymore, everything different, all my settings seemed gone. Simply opening
myLeoSettings seemed to help, but that change wasn't persistent after
closing Leo.

First, my apologies for the trouble you are having.

[big snip]
> Any idea, what's going on?

Perhaps Leo isn't finding your myLeoSettings.leo.  See below.

> Why does Leo look for settings in my workbook twice?

When I open Leo, the log pane contains this (among other things):

reading settings in C:/leo.repo/leo-editor/leo/config/leoSettings.leo
reading settings in C:/Users/edreamleo/.leo/myLeoSettings.leo
reading settings in c:/leo.repo/leo-editor/leo/core/leoPy.leo (read file
for settings)
reading settings in C:/Users/edreamleo/.leo/EKRWindowsDark.leo
reading settings in c:/leo.repo/leo-editor/leo/core/leoPy.leo (reread the
Yes, that's right. After reading the settings files, Leo *re-reads* the
.leo files that appear on the command line. This ensures that all settings
are properly applied.

*My advice*

1. Make sure Leo is loading the correct copy of myLeoSettings.leo. This page
<http://leoeditor.com/customizing.html#configuration-directories> tells
where Leo looks for settings files.

2. Once you know that Leo is loading the right myLeoSettings.leo file, make
a copy of your old myLeoSettings.leo file, and remove all the settings for
the "active" myLeoSettings.leo file.

3. Don't open myLeoSettings.leo *in addition* to other files. That will
just confuse you.

4. Now you can run some experiments:

A. Open myLeoSettings.leo *all by itself.*
B. Open some other file, say x.leo with Leo, all by itself, just to see
what x.leo looks like.
C. Change myLeoSettings.leo.
D. Close x.leo and reopen x.leo.

Repeat until x.leo looks right.

HTH. Please feel free to ask more questions.


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