For the past several days I have been looking for my next project. Here, 
I'll briefly discuss the video Rust: A Language for the Next 40 Years 
<>. The speaker is a member of 
rust's core development team at mozilla.

I highly recommend the first section, starting at 2:30, about the history 
of the railroad industry and the Federal Railroad Safety Appliance Act 
<>. Incredibly, 
railroads fought this legislation, though it (predictably) lead to *thousands 
*of fewer deaths among train crews *every year.*

Ironically, this excellent video convinced me that rust is not going to be 
a big part of my future, for several reasons:

1. Rust is essentially a safer, *more *complex, version of C. As discussed 
in the video, there is a *gradual* pathway for migration from C or C++ to 
rust.  However, I care nothing for the problems of those stuck with legacy 
C code.

2. The talk (dubiously!) assumes that garbage collection is a deal-breaker. 
But computers are *much* faster today than 40 years ago, so the number of 
legacy programs that *now* require native C performance is likely to be a *tiny 
*fraction of what it once was!

3. The video discusses the notion of a "person byte," the amount of data 
someone can comfortably deal with at a time. Alas, rust imposes a far 
greater mental load than does python!


One of Leo's "grand challenges" is to re-imagine Leo with an outline 
containing millions of nodes. Whether this challenge even makes sense is an 
open question. But one thing is clear: a speedup of 2-10 times would be 
inconsequential. Therefore, rust can not possibly be part of the solution. 


Rust is never likely to be important for me or for Leo.  Rust's complexity 
actively impedes high-level speculation. 

Rust remains an important language, both theoretically and practically. 
Rust can compile to web assembly, which means that rust programs can run 
natively in browsers. For this reason, there is considerable interest in 
pythonvm-rust <>. Otoh, pyodide 
<>(a spin-off from mozilla) does not use 

I am interested in rust's inference algorithm, and I may eventually get 
around to studying the algorithm in detail.  Indeed, I am interested in 
extending Leo to make it easier to understand other programs. I have just 
had a breakthrough in this area, which I'll discuss in another post.


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