On Sunday, October 31, 2021 at 9:22:11 AM UTC-4 tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:

> Very large collections are best thought of a graphs, IMO, because there 
> are usually many types of connections between them - depending of course on 
> the type and intended use of the entries.  However, treelike *views* into 
> the data are very often much better for a human to work with.  With large 
> collections, it can take a long time to create a view from scratch, so it 
> is helpful to create the most important ones in advance.  In the database 
> world, these creation of such views are helped by indexes, temporary 
> tables, and database views.  In Python (and other languages that have 
> native map structures), dictionaries can play that role.
> With increasing size, finding something becomes harder.  It may well be 
> that for Leo, once it can work with very large numbers of nodes, that we 
> will need new and faster ways to find items and peruse them.
> Another issue of size is the amount of data that a single node can hold.  
> I recently crashed Leo by trying to read some 80 megabytes of text into the 
> body of a node.  I was curious how fast it could do a search and replace on 
> that much data, but I didn't find out because of the crash.  Of course, we 
> are currently limited by Qt's capabilities, and Leo may never need to do 
> such a thing, so it may not matter.

Decades ago, Project Xanadu <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Xanadu> 
was founded to create a scalable datastore suitable for hosting published 
information linkable in forms developed by end users, with separation of 
the back-end mechanisms of storage, publication, and collection of 
micropayments from the front end of presentation. While the project did not 
come to fruition as desired by founder and computer industry gadfly Ted 
Nelson, the Project's work was influential. Nelson was the first person to 
conceive of the idea of hypertext - the term is his. The mathematics 
underlying the back-end storage might be of interest; those are described 
in Literary Machines <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literary_Machines>; a 
reprint is available from Nelson <https://xanadu.com.au/general/faq.html#6>; 
more on them might be found through Xanadu Australia - see link below. 

Web site of the original Project <https://xanadu.com>
Web site *Xanadu Australia* <https://xanadu.com.au>*,* more recently 
updated and detailed than the original Project's Web site

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