On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 9:45 AM Jacob Peck <gatesph...@gmail.com> wrote:

> While I anticipate pushback on this idea, I am wholeheartedly for it.  I
> have long wanted such a feature, but couldn't figure out just how to word
> it.

Imo, the pushback is justified, for several reasons:

1. Leo's VR and VR3 plugins are superior to the proposal. In the present
world, the body pane contains a text representation of the desired
graphics.  The VR pane shows the result.

2. Leo's VR and VR3 plugins are superior to the Jupyter way, which is quite
clumsy. One has to toggle between various views of the data.

Please don't ask me to change my mind :-)  Oh, I might accept a plugin that
does what is wanted, but don't count on it.


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