Hello Edward,

Edward K. Ream schrieb am Sonntag, 1. Mai 2022 um 15:04:14 UTC+2:

> On Sun, May 1, 2022 at 3:54 AM Viktor Ransmayr wrote:
> Lately I have adapted my defaults a bit - and - execute 'test-all' cmd 
>> whenever I modify / upgrade any Leo instance.
> Thanks for your continued testing, which is one of the most important 
> tasks in maintenance mode.

I'm happy, that I can give back at least a little bit this way.

> Doing this now also with versions I downloaded directly from PyPI I 
>> noticed that 'test-all' cmd returns failures & errors.
>> * See "Log-001" for the results of the 'test-all' cmd ...
> The log probably reveals two issues:
> 1. Make sure you `pip install pytest` before running unit tests. I'm not 
> sure exactly how this dependency has crept in.

 I guess my intro was to short - and/or - completely missing ;-)

What I noticed is that the two **major** variants of how (many! /most?) 
people install Leo nowadays behave differently:

* Running 'test-all' cmd on a Leo version 6.6* installed from GitHub 
returns **without** any failures & errors 
* Running 'test-all' cmd on a Leo version 6.6* installed from PyPI returns 
**with** failures & errors

Based on your feedback I assume that for a given **released** version of 
Leo, it's variants **should** behave identical.

That is, no matter whether I install it from GitHub or from PyPI **all** 
cmds (applicable for a given OS) should work without the user having to 
install any additional packages.

Is my assumption correct?

If yes, than the answer to the question in my initial mail is: It can be 
considered a bug. - Right?

With kind regards,


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