Hello Edward,

Well, since my original message has now appeared in the group page, I'll 
repost only the relevant part, just in case. I also attached here an OPML 
file done in 5 minutes with OmniOutliner (THE outliner reference, I dare 
say) on my iPhone and saved as OPML. That's the basic format that will 
allow Leo to exchange files with any other correctly designed 
OPML-compatible app/program. It's an old spec, but it now is the way for 
compatibility of outlines with mobile devices as well.

Other attributes can be added, but since OPML is first and foremost an 
outline exchange format, Vnodes and Tnodes won't cut it.  You can find the 
spec at
    http://opml.org/spec2.opml . Jump straight to the paragraph titled 
"Text Attributes".

You can also look at the source of that webpage and see that between lines 
49 and 438, it is indeed pure OPML, which is compatible with Mozilla 
Firefox and Thunderbird (OPML is used a lot for passing RSS feeds), 
Microsoft Edge, and most probably Google Chrome too (never used it). The 
outline on that webpage is two levels deeps, and the divots work in the 

Now my original post is made a bit obsolete by the second one -the extra 
keyword args on lines 321 and 322 of leoOPML.py are not compatible with 
c.fileCommands.write_Leo_file() - but here it is again:
I'm pretty sure I got the leoOPML.py plugin configuration right (file, 
tree, directives, body panel), but when I type *write-opml-file* in the 
mini-buffer (and by the way this procedure seems to be nowhere on 
leoeditor.com or davy39.github.io/leo-editor/apidoc/leo.plugins.html. 
Thanks, Google), 
I get this:

*Traceback (most recent call last):  File 
"C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\leo\core\leoKeys.py", line 2521, in 
callAltXFunction    func(event)  File 
"C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\leo\plugins\leoOPML.py", line 346, in 
writeOpmlCommand    c.opmlCommands.writeFile(fileName)  File 
"C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\leo\plugins\leoOPML.py", line 319, in writeFile 
   ok = self.c.fileCommands.write_Leo_file(TypeError: 
FileCommands.write_Leo_file() got an unexpected keyword argument 
 every time, either with my own narrow set of parameter plugins or with the 
one in leosettings.leo.

I went through the plugin code, tried to remove line 321, but then 
*Tostring=False*  became unexpected too. Then I tried to learn about 
*c.filecommands*, but I thought it better to join the group and write this. 

Thanks in advance for help,

See attachment
On Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 12:21:26 AM UTC+2 Edward K. Ream wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 5:15 PM chr...@gmail.com <chr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I haven't seen my first message in the list yet, the forum is probably 
>> moderated...
>> Further tests editing the guilty function call:
> I approved both messages, but I only see this one.
> Leo opens leo_test1.opml when I change .opml to .leo.
> Please resend your original message. Thanks.
> Edward

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<opml version="2.0">
  <head><!-- <editor>
      <sidebar width="203"/>
      <column name="text" width="736"/>
    </editor> -->
    <title>My Document</title>
    <outline text="headline 1">
      <outline text="headline 1.1"/>
      <outline text="headline 1.2"/>
    <outline text="headline 2">
      <outline text="headline 2.1">
        <outline text="headline 2.1.1"/>
      <outline text="headline 2.2"/>
    <outline text="headline 3">
      <outline text="headline 3.1"/>
      <outline text="headline 3.2">
        <outline text="headline 3.2.1"/>
        <outline text="headline 3.2.2"/>
        <outline text="headline 3.2.3">
          <outline text="headline">
            <outline text="headline">
              <outline text="headline"/>
      <outline text="headline 3.4"/>
    <outline text="headline 4"/>

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