Well, it's not really "what I want", but what should be, because, again, 
OPML is an outline exchange format.

With the command "read-opml-file", Leo imports just fine the 
iPhone-generated "Document.opml" file I attached previously here. Why can't 
it export it back in the same format  with "write-opml-file" so that I can 
edit it further on the phone? 

The Leo OPML file should be standard so that it could be transmitted back 
and forth and edited by any Windows, Mac, Linux , IOS, and Android 
OPML-aware app/program, then returned to Leo for further editing. 
I'm talking about only the basic text outline, which is what OPML is about: 
even clones should be changed into copies before conversion to .opml. A 
script in Leo could rebuild the cloning after re-import, I guess.
There are many such OPML-capable apps/programs, disk-based or cloud-based: 
other outliners, mind-mappers, note-takers, to-do listers, task managers, 
workflow managers, converters, dozens of RSS/Atom feed aggregators and 
readers, etc. This back -and-forth editing is impossible with the .opml 
produced by Leo. If it's not OPML, don''t call it OPML.

Scripting .leo or .leojs conversion to true .opml is fine, but impossible 
on an IOS or Android device because of apps sandboxing. 

My usage case: Brainstorming, note-taking, project developpment, writing.
I have a sync folder on all my Windows, macOS, IOS, and Android devices at 
home, where I work. Outside the home, I carry my iPhone and iPad mini.
With an OPML-compliant Leo, I could create a text-only outline about some 
project, save it as .opml in the sync folder of my PC. It would get 
instantly synced to all the other devices. When I go to a meeting or get an 
email while away, I want to integrate the email text or the meeting notes 
into the outline, on my iPhone or iPad. The changed outline is 
automatically transmitted via 5G, and when I get home, I could open it in 
OPML-compliant Leo, and continue working on it.
This is now possible with OmniOutliner, but only on Apple devices, and most 
of my workflow is organized around 30 years of Windows use, with complex 
programs I know like the back of my hand, utilities, batch scripts, 
registry hacks etc. That is why I need an outline editor on Windows, and 
why I need OPML, which is the only universal outline file format that can 
be opened, modified and saved, when the spec (http://opml.org/spec2.opml) 
is respected. 

Very good cloud solutions exist, but just read this: 
https://workflowy.com/privacy-policy/ and you'll understand why I want a 
fully private setup.


P.S. I'm also considering using Leo as a PIM/scrapbook, but that wouldn't 
require OPML. 
On Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 4:43:10 AM UTC+2 tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:

> Would you explain what you would like to happen?  Do you want to get a Leo 
> outline with the nodes named and indented according to the OPML file?  If 
> so, that should be pretty easy to write a script for even without a plugin 
> (in case it's too hard to get it functioning).
> On Monday, August 29, 2022 at 8:29:55 PM UTC-4 chr...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hello Edward,
>> Well, since my original message has now appeared in the group page, I'll 
>> repost only the relevant part, just in case. I also attached here an OPML 
>> file done in 5 minutes with OmniOutliner (THE outliner reference, I dare 
>> say) on my iPhone and saved as OPML. That's the basic format that will 
>> allow Leo to exchange files with any other correctly designed 
>> OPML-compatible app/program. It's an old spec, but it now is the way for 
>> compatibility of outlines with mobile devices as well.
>> Other attributes can be added, but since OPML is first and foremost an 
>> outline exchange format, Vnodes and Tnodes won't cut it.  You can find the 
>> spec at
>>     http://opml.org/spec2.opml . Jump straight to the paragraph titled 
>> "Text Attributes".
>> You can also look at the source of that webpage and see that between 
>> lines 49 and 438, it is indeed pure OPML, which is compatible with Mozilla 
>> Firefox and Thunderbird (OPML is used a lot for passing RSS feeds), 
>> Microsoft Edge, and most probably Google Chrome too (never used it). The 
>> outline on that webpage is two levels deeps, and the divots work in the 
>> browser.
>> Now my original post is made a bit obsolete by the second one -the extra 
>> keyword args on lines 321 and 322 of leoOPML.py are not compatible with 
>> c.fileCommands.write_Leo_file() - but here it is again:
>> ................................................................................................
>> *Problem*
>> I'm pretty sure I got the leoOPML.py plugin configuration right (file, 
>> tree, directives, body panel), but when I type *write-opml-file* in the 
>> mini-buffer (and by the way this procedure seems to be nowhere on 
>> leoeditor.com or davy39.github.io/leo-editor/apidoc/leo.plugins.html. 
>> Thanks, Google), 
>> I get this:
>> *Traceback (most recent call last):  File 
>> "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\leo\core\leoKeys.py", line 2521, in 
>> callAltXFunction    func(event)  File 
>> "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\leo\plugins\leoOPML.py", line 346, in 
>> writeOpmlCommand    c.opmlCommands.writeFile(fileName)*
>> *  File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\leo\plugins\leoOPML.py", line 319, 
>> in writeFile    ok = self.c.fileCommands.write_Leo_file(*
>> *TypeError: FileCommands.write_Leo_file() got an unexpected keyword argument 
>> 'outlineOnlyFlag'*
>>  every time, either with my own narrow set of parameter plugins or with 
>> the one in leosettings.leo.
>> I went through the plugin code, tried to remove line 321, but then 
>> *Tostring=False*  became unexpected too. Then I tried to learn about 
>> *c.filecommands*, but I thought it better to join the group and write 
>> this. 
>> ???
>> Thanks in advance for help,
>> Chris
>> See attachment
>> On Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 12:21:26 AM UTC+2 Edward K. Ream wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 5:15 PM chr...@gmail.com <chr...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I haven't seen my first message in the list yet, the forum is probably 
>>>> moderated...
>>>> Further tests editing the guilty function call:
>>> I approved both messages, but I only see this one.
>>> Leo opens leo_test1.opml when I change .opml to .leo.
>>> Please resend your original message. Thanks.
>>> Edward

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