The VR3 plugin can now optionally open in a tab in the log pane instead of 
in its own panel in the main Leo window (also referred to as a pane in the 
splitter).  I have attached a screen shot that shows the panel layout that 
I like when using VR3 in a tab.

There are two new commands to control that tab behavior:

vr3-tab -- opens VR3 in a tab
vr3-toggle-tab -- opens or closes VR3 in a tab.

I like to use an @button node in the @settings tree to make a button for 
vr3-toggle-tab. The button runs c.k.simulateCommand('vr3-toggle-tab').

vr3-toggle will close VR3 if open in a splitter pane as well as in a tab.  
Next time, the command will open it in the splitter.  Conversely, 
vr3-toggle-tab will close VR3 in either a tab or the splitter, but will 
re-open it in a tab the next time the command is run.

An advantage to running VR3 in a tab is that you can open something else in 
a new splitter pane without interfering with VR3.

One minor drawback is that focus will switch to the log pane when something 
is written there - most likely when the outline has been saved.  Then you 
have to click in the VR3 tab to see it again.  I haven't found this to 
bother me much.

This new behavior has now been merged into the devel branch, so it's ready 
to try out.

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