On Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 10:30:39 PM UTC-4 iamap...@gmail.com wrote:

There's a large difference between Edward's work flow and mine - not that 
either of us has a single "work flow", I'm sure.  He likes to use clones 
extensively - often extracting them with the cff command, I think.  I tend 
to search using the Nav tab and mark nodes of interest - I have my own key 
bindings to do that, since the bindings of the EditPlus editor were so 
familiar to me from years of pre-Leo use (of course, once you have marked 
some nodes you can clone them all with the *clone-marked-nodes* command).  
Instead of cloning I jump between them with the forward-back arrows and the 
*goto-next-marked* command, which I have bound to F4.  When I want to keep 
looking back at the content of a node, I will usually keep it visible using 
the Freewin plugin (that ability is the main reason I wrote the plugin).

Hi, Thomas, If I'm right, i.e., you mainly use mark, clone to understand 
the problem, 
and Edward mainly aggregates all relevant content through cff and then 
filters it, right?

I haven't used clones very much.  I usually skip around from marked node to 
marked node, plus using the forward/back buttons.

Also I looked at the freewin plugin and I don't quite understand why you 
need this? 
Does this plugin look like a panel + viewrender combination? 
Its functionality could be replaced by the powerful 'free layout', wouldn't 
Or is there anything else I missed?

Free layout does not do the same job as  the Freewin plugin.  FW gives you 
a view of a particular node.  No matter where you navigate in the tree, a 
given FW window always shows you the same node (though you can have several 
FW windows open at the same time, each for a different node).  The 
alternate view (the viewrendered-type display) is there mostly so you can 
get a nicely readable rendering of a body written in ReStructuredText, or 
check that your edits to such a node render the way you wanted.

Sometimes I think of a FW window as a kind of index card open next to the 
work in progress.  Also, a FW window is a basic editor that is live on line 
with the underlying node.  So even if you have selected some other node in 
the tree, if you see something that you want to change (in the FW's host 
node), you can just edit it in the FW window and save with CTRL-s as 
usual.  No need to navigate back to that original node to make the change 
and then navigate back.

Suppose you are working with three or four nodes, and you have cloned them 
under an organizing node somewhere,  Since they are close together, you can 
easily move from one to another.  But you can't see more than one at a 
time.  Or instead of (or in addition to) cloning the nodes, you could open 
several of them in FW windows, and arrange those next to Leo's window.  Now 
you could look from one to another without losing sight of the ones you 
navigated away from.  This image 
a comparison between some of the prototype FW code to the final plugin 
code.  If you can't see them at the same time it's harder to understand the 
differences. (BTW, FW windows now do syntax coloring; this wasn't in place 
at the time of the screenshot).

Here is the thread in which I introduced the FW plugin.  One of my posts 
<https://groups.google.com/g/leo-editor/c/lD-HKydcPCc/m/4fgUsnFwAgAJ> in 
the thread has some screenshots where I tried to show ways I used it.

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