> Sometimes I think of a FW window as a kind of index card open next to the
> work in progress.  Also, a FW window is a basic editor that is live on line
> with the underlying node.  So even if you have selected some other node in
> the tree, if you see something that you want to change (in the FW's host
> node), you can just edit it in the FW window and save with CTRL-s as
> usual.  No need to navigate back to that original node to make the change
> and then navigate back.
> Suppose you are working with three or four nodes, and you have cloned them
> under an organizing node somewhere,  Since they are close together, you can
> easily move from one to another.  But you can't see more than one at a
> time.  Or instead of (or in addition to) cloning the nodes, you could open
> several of them in FW windows, and arrange those next to Leo's window.  Now
> you could look from one to another without losing sight of the ones you
> navigated away from.  This image
> <https://11707503125000652521.googlegroups.com/attach/21a129f48b851/freewin_example_4.png?part=0.3&view=1&vt=ANaJVrFYH3xbIuENm-Br3Kz_fkcl-ZzLn0ShHBc-vChmtOVDg8aA0k3U_JlVIJVIrSSNiOgSDmNfDNSDoJcluAm-7pqWekjFBJb74Ca4Iw1-MhGdQW4LCs4>
>  shows
> a comparison between some of the prototype FW code to the final plugin
> code.  If you can't see them at the same time it's harder to understand the
> differences. (BTW, FW windows now do syntax coloring; this wasn't in place
> at the time of the screenshot).
> Here is the thread in which I introduced the FW plugin.  One of my posts
> <https://groups.google.com/g/leo-editor/c/lD-HKydcPCc/m/4fgUsnFwAgAJ> in
> the thread has some screenshots where I tried to show ways I used it.

Thank you for providing a detailed explanation. By the way, I discovered
the `add-editor` command, although it is not as versatile as the FW.



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