While working on issue #3435 
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/3435>, I see that 
*u.saveTree* can't possibly work! About a dozen commands and methods call 
u.saveTree indirectly. Undo and redo for these may be dangerous!

This Engineering Notebook post discusses what to do about this situation.

*tl;dr:* See the summary.

*The problem*

A cff shows that about a dozen commands and script helpers call 
*u.beforeChangeTree* and *u.afterChangeTree*. Both these methods call 

Alas, *u.saveTree has no chance of working*. As a result, Leo's undo logic 
is dangerously flawed in about a dozen places.

The section *<< about u.saveTree >> *discusses* u.createVnodeUndoInfo*, 
u.saveTree's helper. These comments do not describe u.createVnodeUndoInfo 
correctly. Worse, u.createVnodeUndoInfo itself has no chance of solving the 
original problem! Details omitted. 


Imo, the following commands should *not *be undoable: *refresh-from-disk*, 
*read-at-auto-nodes*, r*ead-at-file-nodes*, and *read-at-shadow-nodes*. 
These commands are "one-way" updates. Rewriting their undo code would be 
fraught. Bugs in the undo/redo logic could be devastating.

Various commands and methods create a single new node. Their undo logic can 
mimic that of undo/redo insert-node. Undoing these commands would delete 
the newly-created node. Redo would undo the delete.

The *abbrev.expand_tree *method might be a unique case. I'm not yet sure 
what to do.


- We must retire u.saveTree, u.beforeChangeTree, and u.afterChangeTree.

- Several commands should *not* be undoable.

- Commands that insert a single node can use the undo/redo logic of 

All of your comments are welcome.


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