On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 6:15 AM lewis <lewisn...@fastmail.com.au> wrote:

> Using this script to search for a node by a Gnx:
> *GNX_ID: str = g.app.gui.runAskOkCancelStringDialog(c,'SEARCH Node by
> GNX',"Enter search GNX: ").strip()p0 = g.findGnx(GNX_ID, c)  # moves to
> position p0 g.es_clickable_link(c, p0, 0, (p0.h))  # clickable-link, use
> p.h*
> If the node matching GNX is empty (no body text) it displays a persistent
> clickable link in Log pane.

Your script should ensure that p0 is not None.

GNX_ID may not be correct, but that depends on what you entered.

The following @button script works for me, regardless of p (or p.b):

g.es_clickable_link(c, p, 0, p.h)


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