On 12/22/05, Archaic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I say if using switches versus moving groff both result in identical
> binaries, then switches are probably easier and better in that the
> explanation of the switch is the perfect forum to mention that perl is
> looking for groff but doesn't actually need it to build.

I've done the research now, and this is indeed the case.  Although,
Configure makes some very poor decisions about what to do with the man
pages if nroff isn't there, you end up with the same thing, even the
man pages.  Just add -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 and
-Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 to the configure.gnu statement.

Here's the situation.

1.  No nroff present
Configure decides that man1dir and man3dir = ' '.  It prints a
statement that you probably don't want the man pages since you don't
have nroff.  When you get to make install, if DESTDIR is null, no man
pages are installed.  If DESTDIR is not null, they are installed to
the root of DESTDIR with extension 0.

Jeremy and Chris, when you guys were building with groff after perl,
did the man pages get installed?  If you have an old build log around,
it will explicitly state that it is skipping the installation of the
man pages.  If not, then I must have bugs in my build scripts.

As I said above, you can get around this by changing the configure statement to

./configure.gnu --prefix=/usr \
    -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \
    -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \
    -Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR"

2.  nroff present
Configure decides that man1dir and man3dir are at the normal location.
 Everything's fine on installation.

I did an in place comparison of the binaries created by 1 and 2 and
found no differences beyond perl's tendency to add dates to
everything.  Nothing seemed to regress from the previous ICA run.  I
don't believe that groff is actually used.  Pod::Man is used for the
man page creation, I think.  Will try to confirm this situation.

A full ICA will shed a little more light, but for now I'm going to
change to the above configure.gnu command and move groff back to it's
original location.

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