On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 17:21:51 +0200
"Felix M. Palmen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * TheOldFellow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20070419 15:39]:
> > A sig, a pgp-sig and an x-face.  I think I'd rather have HTML mail.
> Whether you do or do not like my emails is not to be discussed here.
> > However, you are right in principle, but it's the only thing that
> > has worked for me.  Everything else requires loads of my time, so
> > I'm afraid if you want to mail me you are going to have to bear the
> > cost. If you don't like it try an international cellphone call
> > instead.
> And besides the fact that it won't be my cost but e.g. my ISP's, I
> don't intend to send you any mail, so your personal defense is not
> the topic, either.
> If you want to discuss greylisting generally, please find some
> technical arguments.
> Regards, Felix

I don't really want to prolong this as an argument, Felix, but technical
is only one domain of interest here.  PRACTICAL is the interesting
aspect.  Greylisting works.  From the perspective of the recipient of
email, there is no cost.  All the cost is in the transmission of the
email to the recipient - WHO DID NOT REQUEST IT. QED.

Blessing and Peace be with you.


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