On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 08:09:58PM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote:
>  Haven't yet looked at my libc, I retested the files that were where
> I thought I'd left them, but those matched up.

 Hmm, after stripping and then running 'cmp -bl' (which isn't ideal,
you have to watch out for the bytes that _don't_ change in text) I
have _one_ binary (I assume) byte different in the two
/lib/libc-2.5.so files, followed by a difference in the text (what
you normally get when you execute /lib/libc.so.6).  Turns out I
accidentally built the first pass using kernel 2.6.22-rc1, and the
second two days later with the intended

 Anybody who follows my ramblings on clfs-dev will know that using
an earlier kernel than the headers, particularly an -rc kernel, is
"NOT a Good Idea" (TM) and I'm lucky I wasn't using glibc-2.6.

 I'll try to do a fresh by-the-book pair of builds (without
non-toolchain tests) if I've got time.

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