On 11/22/2012 11:08 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Wolf wrote:
>> I've noticed the issues I've pointed out getting fixed, so here's a
>> couple more:
>> - Tumbler has optional dependencies on GStreamer, libgsf, and libopenraw.
>> - Wireshark has an optional dependency on libcap2.
>> Lastly, and this is a matter of opinion, BLFS is lacking both an IDE and
>> a programmer's editor. I would humbly suggest one or the other be added;
>> I'd suggest Geany.
> Many programmers will disagree.  Both vim and emacs are quite good
> programmer's editors.  I've used both vi (not sure about vim) and emacs
> since at least 1991.
> We do have gdb and the front end, ddd, is just a cmmi program.  qdevelop
> and kdevelop are pretty straight forward too.
>     -- Bruce
I meant a GUI program for code editing.
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