> I am continuing the final testing and migration into the morning after
> taking a break for the night.
> I've taken the latest backup files so please don't make changes. I may
> not end up syncing them to the new server as the data I have right now
> is properly cleaned up and converted for the newer software versions.

The migration should be done in principle now, barring any typos on my 
part that testing hasn't shown yet.

For those with write access: find svn.linuxfromscratch.org in your 
~/.ssh/known_hosts and remove it. The new server has new keys so SSH 
will fail and svn along with it.

Please test it out, try a test commit or two to ensure it's working 
correctly and your account on the new server is also still working.

When this is verified to work we'll do a round of tests on Trac and call 
it a day.

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